About Cherry

The Cherry on Top is a home-based baking studio in Pakistan (Lahore). We are experts in high-end cake decor, pastries, cupcakes, and tortes. Which aims to provide aesthetically and elegantly desi. We use 100% natural and low-fat ingredients



Thursday, September 15, 2022

Don't Make This Silly Mistake With Your Basic Baking Terminology


Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Baking terminology provided a guideline on how to follow the recipes? Before starting baking as a baker, we must know about these techniques and terms, which are helpful in baking and preparing other foods. 

There is a list of some baking techniques we use in our recipes. This list helps learn the difference between batter and dough or the difference between combining and mixing.

After learning this technique, you will be able to acquire baking science. Baking terminology provided a guideline on how to follow the recipes? Before starting baking as a baker, we must know about these techniques and terms,  which are helpful in baking and preparing other.

Bain- Maria: /ˌbæn.məˈri/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

The Bain Maria is the equipment to keep food warm for an extended period.
A warm water bath prevents delicate cocking from cracking or overcooking. Hot water is used as a barrier between direct heat and dessert, that time cocking slowly and evenly. 

Tips & Tricks:

A clean line baking dish, A baking pan inside the baking dish, Slowly pours boiling water halfway up the sides of the baking dish with dessert cocked on it.

Use carefully.


Melt chocolate, butter, sugar, etc

Batter /ˈbæt.ər/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

A batter is a mixture of different kinds of things flour, eggs, and dairy. It is thin enough to pour and thick enough to scoop, but it is not like a dough.

Tips & Tricks:

Measure things according to the recipe, and care not to over-mix, or too much gluten will develop. Mix just until all ingredients are combined. 


cake, pudding, muffins, cupcakes, brownies, etc

Blind Bake  /blaɪnd/beɪk/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Blind baking is the pre-baking procedure. This term has used a process to bake a pie before filling it. The blind baking process has used when we fill the pie with liquid filling. This process also prevents the soggy pie crust.
In blind baking, the pie crust has lined with parchment paper. 

Tips & Tricks:

Step first: prick the dough with a fork to stop the crust from puffing up and shrinking.
Step two: Line pie crust with parchment paper
Step third: fill the pie with uncooked rice and dried beans before baking.


Fruit pie, Sugar cream, fruit tartar

Bloom/ Blooming (gelatin)  /bluːm/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

This process is used to make the gelatin easier to dissolve more effectively in the liquid that is to make the gel. 

In this technique, gelatin powder is soaked in cold water for a few minutes before use.

Trick and Tips:

The use of fresh tropical juice like apple, pineapple, and mango as they contain enzymes that break down proteins.


Puddings, ice cream, stabilizing whipped cream, sauces, yogurt, etc

Caramelize  /ˈkær.ə.məl.aɪz/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Caramelization is the process When the sugar has turned into a liquid form. It not only changed the color amber to golden brown but also changed its flavor. The sugar cock with water, at boiling point water, start evaporated, and sugar starts to break down into glucose and fructose.

Tips & Tricks:

Sugar changes color quickly to keep a close eye on the color of the caramel. The color depends on the application, changing color range from pale golden to deep amber.


decoration, dessert sauces, candies, etc

Cream /kriːm/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

In baking, terminology cream is a thick liquid texture made with an equal quantity of sugar and butter combined and beaten until it makes smooth and fluffy. That is one of the ways which give lightness and volume to the cake.

Tips & Tricks:

The butter needs a cool room temperature. Too hot or too cold butter will not hold the web of air. Butter must be cold that it creamed with sugar.

Creaming needs a hand mixer or an electric mixer. Butter and sugar beating together create air pockets that lighten and leaven baked goods that become the reason to raise cake.



Crumb Coat /krʌm /kəʊt/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

The term crumb coat is used in cake decoration. A thin layer of frosting is applied to the top and side of a cake. It is the base of the final thicker decorative crumb layer. It is a filler to fill gaps between cake layers and set a smooth and solid surface before adding a final coat.

Trips and Tricks:

Add a little buttercream in crumbs before applying. This mixture prevents to stop contaminants in your buttercream.

Do not decorate the warm cake.


Layered cake, etc

Cutting in /ˈkʌt.ɪŋ/  /ɪn/ :

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

A technique in which the small pieces of butter add to flour. 
 This technique protects the coating of flour protein from forming too much gluten. This process helps create pockets of steam that give pastry its flakiness when the small piece of butter melts throughout the dough in the oven.

Trips & Tricks

Use the pastry cutter to cut the chill butter into the flour.
 For cutting, you can use knives or forks.
Cut the butter into the size of a dry peace.


This process has often done by making pie, biscuits, and crust crumbles.

Crimping  /krɪmp/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Crimping is a decorative technique. It is a process to join two pieces of dough between two fingers in an ornamental position, which prevents the filling from lacking.

Tips and Trick

Punch the pie dough between the finger and thumb.

When crimping, dip your finger in flour dust if the dough is too sticky.


This process has often done by making pie, biscuits, and crust crumbles.

Dock:  /dɒk/

It is a simple and exciting backing basic technique.
Pocked pie crust with a fork before baking is called docking. Picking helps the dough to escape the steam preventing pesky air bubbles. It also allows baking more evenly.

Tips and Trick:

  • Picking with a fork allows the steam to exit.
  • Pick the crust all around the bottom as well as the sides
  • You also use your finger to pocked the pizza dough 


Pizza, pie crust etc

Dough: /dəʊ/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

The dough is a mixture of flour and water or other liquids. This term is used in baking for different baking items with different liquid things, but the main item is flour. The dough is thick and may be shaped, kneaded, and rolled.

Tips and Tricks: 

Dough kneed according to the recipe.
Kneed firm dough to decrease the water quantity.
Soft dough increases water quantity.
For the best result, rest the dough for fifteen minutes before using it.


Bread, patties, biscuits, pizza

Emulsion: /ɪˈmʌl.ʃən/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

It is the process of combining two things that are unmixed. Usually, in this process, combine the water and oil
Naturally, oil and water do not mix.
Rigorous beating is enough to combine these ingredients. 
Egg yolks, butter, or mustard are used as an emulsifier to stabilize the suspension.

Tips and Tricks:

Take your time when we mix two competing ingredients incorporating,  For example: Add one egg at a time to the creamed butter and beat until it until incorporating Milk and butter ingredients  already emulsified, but the most important thing does not to break this emulsion like this when adding eggs in buttercream without cold. 


salad dressing, hollandaise sauce.

Ferment: /fəˈment/

Fold: /fəʊld/

Gluten:  /ˈɡluː.tən/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Gluten is a protein. It is found in flour like grain, rye, barley, etc. It is a binder agent. Without gluten, the dough doesn't work and stretch. The dough would rip easily. When wheat proteins are hydrated, they bond together. It is called gluten. As the hydrated flour is worked more, the gluten strands begin to align, becoming more elastic.

Tips and Tricks

Flour contains different content of protein. The cake flour contains lower protein while higher protein flour, such as bread.


Kneading: /niːd/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Kneading is a common baking technique in which flour and water (or any other liquid) mix and make a dough. When we knead the dough, the gluten strands align and scratch, building elasticity in the dough. To knead the dough, we use our hand or electric machine.

Tips and Tricks:

When you knead, add water carefully. Over kneading is the result of a loaf of dry and dense bread. Knead the dough when you feel the dough become smooth.


pizza, yeast bread,

Leaven:  /ˈlev.ən/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

In baking terms, a leavening agent is a rising agent. Lavender is
 used in dough or batter as a substance that becomes a foaming action that lights and softness the mixture. Mechanical action is the opposite agent of lavender by which air is incorporated.

Tips and Trick

Water vapor, air, carbon, and dioxide are used in dough and batter products for leavened. This leavened agent has distributed as a small bubble in the dough.


Bread Pizza,

Lavender:  /ˈlæv.ɪn.dər/ 

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Lavender is a flavoring agent like lemon, berries, honey, and mint. It is sold in both fresh and dried foam. It is popular with her. The lavender has a sharp floral flavor and aroma,Which has herbaceousness, earthiness, and mint.

Tips and Tricks:

It has a strong flavor, used according to recipes.
Lavender salt is a versatile pantry basic rub for grilled meats or a delicious seasoning for roasted root vegetables. 


 lavender tarts, lavender ice cream, lavender cupcake


Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Macerate is a process that draws out the natural juice from fresh fruit.
The technique of the macerate is easy. The fresh fruit or dry fruit soaked in the vinegar, syrup, or liquor left all over the night. The fruit absorbs the liquid and seasonings around it. The result is softening and flavoring.

Tips and Tricks:

For immediate results, sprinkle sugar on fruit.
Soak fruit in flavored liquid like vinegar and juices all overnight.


Fruit salad, sauces, 

 Proof: /pruːf/

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

In baking terms, the proof is a dough rising process before baking. Proof means interchangeable. It is a continuation of the fermentation process.

Trips and Trick:

The indent slowly fills in gently. Press the dough with your finger.

When proofing dough, keeps the dough in a warm place for a good result.


yeast bread or pastry.


Peaks refer to the stiffness of whipped cream or whipped egg whites. Soft peaks barely hold their shape. Medium peaks shape, but the peaks curl at the tip. Stiff peaks stand straight up. The cream is to be cold to a web of air and thicken while egg whites whip up faster at room temperature. 

Trips and Trick:

Soft peaks"
When the tips curl over, it is called the soft tip.
"Stiff peaks"
On the other hand, the tip that stands straight is called the stiff tip.
for batter result, when you beat cream, the cream bowl is put over the ice. 


Cream, butter, batter

Punch Down:/pʌntʃ//daʊn/ 

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

This process is used for deflating air pockets in bread dough. During this step, the Gluten relaxes, and carbon dioxide is released.
Releasing air makes yeast form a closer relationship between sugar and moisture, aiding fermentation and improving the second rise.

Trips and Trick:

On the first rise, knead the dough again and gently push the center of the rising dough.
Fold the edges of the defaulted dough into the center to form a ball.


bread, pizza dough


In baking terminology, puree means to make a smooth paste with a blender, masher,and grinder. In this process, the fiber and starch are released to make a thicker soup. 

Trips and Trick:

In concentrated flavor vegetable, and fruit evaporates water content.
Some fruit puree can be used in place of sugar, egg, or fat in baking.



Ribbon stage:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

The ribbon stage is an essential technique in a baking cake in which liquid ingredient turns into a thick texture or creamy foam. Before adding dry ingredients, the eggs and sugar beat together until they turn into a creamy foam.

Trips and Trick:

Mixture should be pale yellow.


Sponge cakes or baked goods that do not rely on leaveners (baking soda or baking powder) for lift.


Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

The scoring is the basic baking technique which is the procedure of the shallow cuts before baking bread. The scoring term is to control the bread dough split and help the steam to release out of filled pastries. It may be a bread decoration.

Tips and Tricks

The sharp knife and bread lame is the best tool for scoring. It allows us to cut the loaf in a clean line and not tear it.
Whether it is a long loaf of bread or and small loaf. It
is to guide the dough to rise predictably. Make sure the cut is deep and clean


Bread making, hand pie, double-crust pies

Sift /sɪft/:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

The shift is a baking procedure in which dry ingredients pass through a sieve or similar container to remove lumps.This process makes it lighter and more uniform in texture, which helps to make a smooth batter.

Tips and Tricks:

Filter the dry ingredient in a shiftier is an easy task
Combine all dry ingredients  before the filter its mix well.


cake, cupcake, bread, etc

Simple Syrup

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Simple syrup is a liquid. It is used not only in baking but also used in making a cocktail.  It is the mixture of sugar and water in an equal quantity.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Filter the syrup after boiling.
  • It is  preserved for two or three weeks.
  • Use sweeten syrup to moisten dry cakes.
  • For flavor, add shrubs, If you want.


dry cake, cocktail, etc

Spice Sachet: /ˈsæʃeɪ/

 A spice sachet is a sharp flavor small herb bag, like a tea bag.
It is used worldwide for flavor or aroma in food and is also easily removed from the liquid. All spices are packed in cheesecloth or muslin. 

Tips and Tricks: 

  • Make sure the muslin is clean and white.
  • Only one teaspoon of spices is packed.
  • When all spices are packed, it is easy to retrieve them when done.


Milk, cream, cider, wine, poaching liquid, simple syrup

Stiff peaks:

Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Stiff peak is a basic terminology. In this term, the egg whites or heavy cream whipping for purpose use electric bitter or hand 

bitter. The beating became the reason for air getting trapped inside the ingredient to foam grow in volume and become stiff.

Tips and Tricks:

  • When you beat the egg whitening for stiff peaks, you add sugar because sugar stabilizes the batter when making meringues.
  • You also add a small amount of tartar or lemon juice to stabilize the mixture.
  • Over beating is harmful the stiff peaks, at this stage you add one egg whitening.


Cakes, cupcakes, delicate, pastries


Basic Baking Terminology
Basic Baking Terminology

Torting is a baking technique that is used in cake decorating. In this procedure, the cake is divided horizontally for decorating purposes into layers. You can add filling and stack the layer evenly.

Tips and Tricks:

There are two different ways of cake leveling or tort.
One: is to use a cake leveler, put the cake plain surface,
adjust the leveler wire, and cut evenly.
Second: Use the serrated knife, this method is abler, but it does the job. Significantly you use a knife with a serrated edge.


Layered cake

Read more Candy and Sweets

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